At Otway Pork, it’s all about pigs in paddocks.
The pigs are born and raised outdoors on farms across south-west Victoria where they are free to do what pigs love to do most – forage, play, socialise and eat.
It’s just paddocks, huts, straw bedding and eco-shelters to protect them from the elements.
The farms are run by leaders in pork production who put animal welfare at the heart of everything they do.
And that same care for the pigs runs through to their obsession for producing the best pork in the country.
It’s all about gold-medal winning bacon sizzling to perfection, the chef’s preferred porchetta, the family favourite pork roast and crackling, a pork chop on the barbie, pulled pork sliders, ham that’s so good it has taken out the top award for Australia’s best ham.
It’s Australian made and Australian owned and it doesn’t get any better.